Technology as a way of life

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser...

The Windows 7 Release Candidate has been released and is available at the Microsoft Partner Program site which contains a short post and a download button for the release candidate. It does not look like it is offered to all subscribers at the moment as some report that they only see beta downloads and not the RC in the download list. Could be that it is only available to selected partners at this time. It is however very likely that all partners will be able to download the release candidate soon. Both MSDN and Technet subscribers will be able to download the RC prior to its public release.

Interesting for mere mortals is the release date of the Windows 7 Release Candidate which has been set to be May 5.

As the next-generation operating system from Microsoft, Windows 7 opens new development, sales, and services opportunities for your business. With Windows 7, you can offer your customers a robust foundation for high-quality experiences across applications, services, PCs, and devices.
We are pleased to announce that Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC) is available. Windows 7 RC is the prerelease version of Windows 7. Since this is not the final release, your PC will gather and send information to Microsoft engineers to help them check the fixes and changes made based on testing of Windows 7 Beta.
Test-drive Windows 7 RC today to see for yourself?and to show your colleagues and customers?how Windows 7 delivers improved management, security, reliability, and performance.
Download Windows 7 RC
Partners: If you have a subscription to MSDN or TechNet, you can download Windows 7 RC now. Otherwise, you can download Windows 7 RC starting May 5, 2009.

And now we wait for the leaks... :) i''ll keep you guys updated


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