Technology as a way of life

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser...

(CNN) In a press release Tuesday AT&T announced it will now allow iPhone VoIP apps, like Skype, to run on the cellular network.
AT&T previously restricted all VoIP apps, which transmit voice calls over a data network, for use only when an iPhone was on a Wi-Fi network. With these restrictions dropped, iPhone customers can now use AT&T’s 3G data network to make calls without using their wireless minutes.
AT&T claims this change was due to customer demand:
In late summer, AT&T said it was taking a fresh look at VoIP capabilities on iPhone for use on AT&T’s 3G network, consistent with its regular review of device features and capabilities to ensure attractive options for consumers.
“iPhone is an innovative device that dramatically changed the game in wireless when it was introduced just two years ago,” said Ralph de la Vega, president and CEO, AT&T Mobility & Consumer Markets. “Today’s decision was made after evaluating our customers’ expectations and use of the device compared to dozens of others we offer.”
Recent FCC scrutiny over Apple’s rejection of the Google Voice app, as well as a congressional push for net neutrality are likely also responsible for AT&T’s change of heart.
New VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) apps that take advantage of 3G capabilities should be available soon. However, AT&T’s 3G network where I live in Atlanta is about as reliable as the Detroit Lions, so I doubt I will be dropping my traditional voice service any time soon.


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Michael said...

It is easy to understand both sides as to why or why not have this available on the iPhone. It is a major loophole for AT&T users that basically makes having a limited number of minutes irrelevant. I am sure there is a way to track the usage of VoIP so perhaps, in the future, AT&T will begin to count it against their customers' minutes.

Michael Brett Walker -

Jennifer Abej said...

Its a good news for iPhone users. Through different VoIP apps calls are very cheap.

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